April 30, 2024
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My vote is my kids' vote |
Stephen Covey wrote The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989). One of the habits is synergy. Another way to look at this habit is that the sum is greater than the parts, which means you do more together than you do separately. And if that's not a way to describe what's needed for voting behavior during election time, I don't know what is. We're all not gonna have the same opinions on everything but the reality is if we want to move the needle for things on a local level, on a state level, and on a national level, the people who have the ability to vote have to see the benefit of collective action. Nowhere is that more important for me right now than in the southern sector of Dallas County.
We don't get the luxury to pretend that we all
live in a bubble and that each of our decisions only affects us. That's never been true! Although we
operate in a very individualistic approach to a lot of things in the United
States, the reality is it is a flawed state of mind to dismiss how colle
thinking impacts everybody. There is a term coined by C. Wright Mills called sociological imagination. (The concept
of sociological imagination may have existed long before Mills. He is the one
that gets credited for coining the term.) The premise behind it is everything
affects everything, and everyone affects everyone. And sometimes when it comes
to voting, some of us forget that not
voting is supporting the majority vote. Some of us forget that if you say
no to a solution on the ballot and the no votes are the majority, some of us
forget that's only part of the action steps. When a possible solution is placed
on the ballot and the majority of voters vote no, it's just as important for
the voters who voted no to be part of another
solution to address the problem that was attempted to be solved by what was
placed on the ballot. On the other hand, if a solution on a ballot wins, voters
need to hold those in charge of implementing the voter-supported solution a
reality. We don't get the luxury to be lukewarm voters. Voting isn't simply
what you do at the ballot; voting should involve
more. Voting should involve what you do to get ready to vote. Voting should
involve what you do after all the votes are cast and a final decision is made
about what was placed on the ballot. Yet for many of us just vote and walk
away. What I'm asking of my fellow voters is to do more. What I'm asking is
that collectively, we #DoBetter and that we #DoMore. I recognize that the
results that are needed where I live can't be done by me alone. We need
collective action. We need people to be informed. If you are reading this and
you are part of a region or city where voting could improve education, this
blog post is for you too.
I have had the privilege to teach dual credit classes, serve as a PTA officer, and serve in the All-Pro Dads organization in my Texas hometown within Dallas County. I've had the privilege to see the unmet needs of my city’s ISD (independent school district). There are so many needs that students in my city need to be successful, but they can't do it alone. Improving their behavior or standardized test scores will not be enough. They can't simply do it with the teachers because the teachers don't have enough. They can't simply do it with ISD administrators because administrators don't have enough. They can't even do it with parents and community members who are/are willing to volunteer. None of what I have written is enough. The reality is it takes more. It takes more of us because the sum is greater than the individual parts. The groups I have listed are not the sum; they are parts of the sum. Synergy is required! And all those individuals cannot be effective in serving the students of Cedar Hill ISD, without the entire sum.
Election day for municipalities is May the 4th. That's kind of cool, because it kind of lines up with the whole Jedi mantra found in the film series Star Wars. May the fourth be with you, which is a play on the words, may the force be with you! In the film series of Star Wars, the Jedi do not rely on their individual strength, but also the strength of all the Jedi that have come before them. I'm hoping that if you read this and this does not apply to you, I hope you will share it with someone who does. My hope is that if you're reading this and it does apply to you, that you see the benefits in voting for steps to start bringing real long-term solutions in education that will benefit the students of Cedar Hill ISD because it cannot be done with you. I am not naive to miss the fact that to vote in favor of what's on the ballot might be an inconvenience financially…that it might require future sacrifice. But if our goal is to leave our cities, our counties, our state we live in, and this nation better than what we inherited, then we must be willing to think beyond the moment. We must be willing to not be stuck in what has been or what is because it will blind us from seeing the possibility of what can be. A better future cannot happen without the sum of the voters to make that happen. I hope this Saturday you consider rocking the vote in favor of ways that will make public education better in the United States better than it is, and to move the needle closer to what it should be.Rock the vote!
Elgrie J. Hurd, III
- A Voter Wanting a Better Future!