Friday, May 12, 2023

Don't Talk About It...

May 12, 2023

Dedicated to Dr. Toni-Mokjaetji C. Humber

So, I have felt the consequences of people just talking about things. Recently I learned of my city's school district will be closing a school at the end of this school year. There were some in my community who were surprised. I wasn't surprised at all. For the last 18 months I have attempted to get a bird's eye view of my city's school district's problems and identify possible ways to be part of the solutions. During that process I learned of the devastation COVID had on our schools, on top of the issues that were already there. I learned of the declining enrollment in our school district which led to a decline in other things…like teachers and staff quitting in the middle of the school year…so now the district is between a rock and a hard place. The district pushed for a school bond to help address some of the school district deficits…and the voters (collectively) said no.

 Talking about it isn't the same as being about it. Talking about it doesn't require doing your homework on how to change things. Talking about it doesn't require any planning or strategizing. Most importantly, talking doesn't require any action. A lot of people in my city talk about they care about being a premier city. Some of these same people claim that they care about children who attend school within the city's school district. But talk is cheap! Talk doesn't repair buildings, improve school security, or improve morale. Talk doesn't increase employee salaries. Action does that. Voting is Action. There were more voters who acted against the school district with no alternatives that can improve the school district. The consequence of this voting action has left the school district with no solutions and no change. The voting action against change reminded me of a situation from the past.

Talk didn't end de facto bus segregation in Montgomery, Alabama. Desegregation of buses required action. The Montgomery bus boycott lasted 381 days. But, if you do your homework, the action needed for change started long before the bus boycott. Before and after the boycott, to achieve the desired change, sacrifices and losses were part of the process. Some individuals who fought for change were unjustly placed in jail, physically attacked, and even faced financial hardships (more than the hardships they were already facing before the boycott). For some, the boycott required sacrificing sleep, food, and/or economic opportunities. Yet, collectively, they kept fighting for the greater good. It required alliances and a willingness to do things outside the box. There are valuable lessons that can still be applied today, if we are willing to do more than talk about change.

Teacher Action Motto: I do, we do, you do

I am a teacher/professor. Many teachers don't see what we do as simply a job…teaching is a profession. It is something we do for the long haul. The invested teachers don't just talk about student success being important, we put in the work to create success. Often, the success we want to see does not come right away. We tend to have to learn how to work around setbacks. Some setbacks are from those in leadership positions within the education systems; some come from a failure between the student-parent/guardian-teacher partnership. Some setbacks come from policy makers. Sadly, some setbacks come from fellow teachers and community members who claim they have students' best interests in mind but do more harm than good. Regardless of the barriers, teachers are expected to make success a reality. It's a tough ask because it's like asking someone to run a race with an anvil chained to their ankle and beat someone who has nothing holding them back. Yet, many of us who have survived various forms of opposition still make it happen.

Despite the current opposition for long-term success of my city's school district, I believe those of us who act for short and long-term best interests of my city's school district will eventually get the students, teachers, and staff what they need. Like the Montgomery bus boycott, we cannot underestimate the opposition. We will often have to work twice as hard to maintain our integrity and be innovative against the opposition. We can't be complacent or only seek action when it is convenient. We can't make the mistake of seeking to appeal to the opposition's logic or humanity, because that's not the root of their resistance. So much of the opposition is full of misinformation, fear, and covert discrimination. We must be willing to expose those who lie, the impact of their lies, and the truth of their opposition. That's not easy…that might get a little messy. But getting the victory for things that matter requires sacrifices that don't always look the way we want them to.

Naysayers to change...We'll keep trying!
So, to those whose words of support do not match their actions, I see you. The deception will end. And until it does, I'm using my actions to relentlessly move the needle in the right direction. My weariness is not a sign of an encroaching defeat…my allies and I are resilient…we are here for the long haul!

Be well!
-Elgrie J., action-oriented educator/community member


  1. Thank you for the reminder to put action behind my purpose! -LH

  2. Well stated, Elgrie. I know this is not why we fight, but those who control this city must understand that if it wants to be “The Premier City,” it must stand for its school system and back them. This past election, every city surrounding Cedar Hill passed multi Million dollar bonds for its school system. Why can't WE as a city support our future?

    1. There are challenges that are different for our city. And if we are not real about them they will serve as invisible barriers.

  3. Thank you for “Being about it”

  4. Professor Hurd, you are walking the talk, and I’m thankful for your example!

  5. Love everything about this blog. So profound.

  6. You are still my hero, Brother!

  7. You are my HERO!


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I am all about being HURD! This blog was created to tell my story; the good, the bad and the ugly. Hopefully the posts will motivate, educate, and empower others to find ways to leave this planet better than when it was given to them. If you are interested in supporting this blog, please follow me. I am available for speaking engagements and training workshops anywhere in the United States of America (and abroad). If you are interested in me as a presenter or supporting in other ways, I can be reached via email at #ProjectTheCure #EnvisionYourSuccess #ProjectDissertation